Interior Painting

You Can Enhance Any Space With a Fresh Coat of Paint

We offer residential and commercial interior painting services in Edgartown, MA and surrounding areas in Martha’s Vineyard

If the wall color in your home or office doesn’t suit you, turn to Amaral Painting & Floorings to spruce it up. We provide residential and commercial interior painting services in Edgartown, MA. With our help, you can update the look of any room with a new color on your walls, molding, cabinets, ceilings and other surfaces.

This service includes labor, materials, paint and cleanup, but you’re welcome to purchase the paint yourself if you prefer. We stick to high-quality paint brands like Benjamin Moore for the best results. Call us today for a free estimate on interior commercial or interior house painting service.

Are There Any Perks To Painting?

Having your home interior professionally painted is a relatively simple and affordable way to transform its look. In just a few days, your space will look completely different. Residential or commercial interior painting can also help to…

Increase your property value

Infuse character into your space

Cover up a messy DIY paint job

What color palette do you have in mind? Reach out to us today to plan your interior house painting or office painting service.